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OC Ondava

Ludvika Svobodu no. 1 Košice - Furča, 040 22

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Frequently asked Questions

  • What should I do if I have a toothache?
    It is good to make an appointment for treatment immediately. If the pain is huge and you feel like you are swelling, you need to visit the dental emergency immediately.
  • Are you an expensive clinic?
    Our prices are adequate with the quality, materials and techniques used. As part of the consultation, we will make a treatment plan and a price plan for you.
  • Is bleeding gums a disease?
    It is an accompanying symptom of gingivitis from tartar or dental microbial plaque due to poor hygiene.
  • How quickly can you treat multiple caries?
    We can book you for long periods (2-3 hours with breaks, even more). You will see that things will move forward immediately...
  • Is teeth whitening harmful?
    Professional teeth whitening in an outpatient clinic and home whitening indicated by a doctor are not harmful.
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